Ihr Haustier, unsere Leidenschaft.


The Cockapoo is one of the more established crossbreeds, consisting of the Cocker Spaniel (show type or working) and the Poodle (Toy or Miniature), in rarer cases the American Cocker Spaniel may be used.

It’s relatively easy to find reputable Cockapoo breeders as there are many breed clubs which are run by dedicated people that care about the breed. These clubs are committed to the responsible breeding and ensuring all puppies and dogs are as healthy and good tempered as possible.

The Cockapoo can be a first cross (with one spaniel and one poodle parent), can be bred back to one of the original breeds, or be two Cockapoos bred together - so there are varieties in size, shape, coat types and temperaments.

  • Hunde für Neuhundebesitzer
  • Über Grundlagen hinaus gehendes Training
  • Anspruchsvolle Spaziergänge
  • 60-120 min Bewegung pro Tag
  • Kleiner Hund
  • Sehr wenig Speichelfluss
  • Tägliche Fellpflege
  • Nicht relevant
  • Nicht relevant
  • Kein Wachhund
  • Braucht Eingewöhnung
  • Braucht Training und Eingewöhnung um mit Kindern zurecht zu kommen

Key Facts

Lifespan:12–15 years
Colours:The Cockapoo can be any of the colours common to the Cocker Spaniel or the Poodle including: black; red; orange; brown; combinations of black with white; liver with white; red and white; blue roan; orange roan; black roan; particolours and tricolours
Size:Small to Medium


Exercise needs:3/5
Easy to train:4/5
Tolerates being alone:3/5
Likes other pets:5/5
Energy level:3/5
Grooming needs:2/5


Like most crossbreeds, the personality of a Cockapoo depends on the parents and how they have been bred and reared.

It’s clear from looking at the two breeds that make up the Cockapoo that this is an active dog who needs a lot of exercise and input (often more than many new owners expect) - and needs to be a part of the family. When the crossbreeding turns out as expected, the Cockapoo possesses all of the intelligence of the Poodle with the spirit of the Cocker Spaniel, resulting in a wonderful companion.

The personality of a Cockapoo seems to be more consistent when they are first crosses (F1). As a line successively bred, they can be either bred back to one of the original breeds (and so strengthen either the Spaniel or the Poodle personalities) or else be bred to another Cockapoo - in which case there is less predictability.

History and Origins

The Cockapoo is one of the oldest and most established of the ‘designer crossbreeds’ and originated in the US as far back as the 1960s. The idea of the Cockapoo was to create a non-shedding, active and intelligent companion dog who required less coat care than other breeds of a similar size.

While there are breed clubs in the UK and all over the world, the Cockapoo currently isn’t recognised by any international Kennel Clubs. To properly understand the origins of the breed, it requires an understanding of the two breeds that go into the formation of the Cockapoo.

Did You Know?

  • The Cockapoo isn’t currently recognised by the UK Kennel Club due to it being a mixed breed.
  • Cockapoos produce low amounts of dander and hair, so they’re popularly chosen as dogs for those with allergies or sensitivities.
  • They’re known as ‘people dogs’ and love to spend time with their families.
  • Cockapoos don’t have a strong doggy odour (providing regular grooming and trimming is carried out).

Den passenden Hund finden

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Welche Hunderasse passt zu mir?
Alle Hunde haben ihre ganz eigene Persönlichkeit. Mach den Test und finde heraus, welche Hunderasse am besten zu dir und deinem Lebensstil passt.
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Dog with red collar
Wahl eines Haustieres
Ein Hund zieht ein
Bald ist es so weit, der große Tag des Einzugs steht bevor! Damit du bestmöglich vorbereitet bist, informiere dich hier, was du vorher schon erledigen kannst.
Dog with red collar lying
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Welpen Ratgeber
Alles, was du über Welpen wissen musst
Einen neuen Welpen einziehen zu lassen ist sehr aufregend für die ganze Familie - für den kleinen Welpen kann es allerdings auch ein wenig beängstigend sein. Erfahre mithilfe unseres Expertenrats mehr über das Verhalten deines Welpen, seine Gesundheit und vieles mehr.
Owner checking dogs collar
Wahl eines Haustieres
Vorteile einen Hund zu haben
Stelle dir einmal Folgendes vor: Es ist ein wunderschöner Frühlingstag, die Sonne scheint, es ist nicht zu heiß und nicht zu kalt und alles blüht. Du würdest eigentlich gerne eine Runde spazieren gehen, kannst dich aber nicht aufraffen, alleine loszuziehen. Die Lösung: Ein Hund!