Ihr Haustier, unsere Leidenschaft.


The Cavachon is one of the smaller designer crossbreeds and while more common in the US, is slowly growing in popularity around the world. The breeds that make up the Cavachon are the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Bichon Frise.

The Cavachon can be a first cross (with one Cavalier and one Bichon parent) or they can be bred back to one of the original breeds or be two Cavachons bred together - so there are varieties in size, shape, colours and coat types but in all cases, this is a small companion dog.


  • Hunde für Neuhundebesitzer
  • Grundlagentraining
  • Gemütliche Spaziergänge
  • 60 min. Bewegung pro Tag
  • Sehr kleiner Hund
  • Sehr wenig Speichelfluss
  • Tägliche Fellpflege
  • Nicht relevant
  • Nicht relevant
  • Kein Wachhund
  • Versteht sich gut mit anderen Haustieren
  • Braucht Training und Eingewöhnung um mit Kindern zurecht zu kommen

Key Facts

Lifespan:10–15 years
Colours:The colours of the Cavachon can be any colouring that’s common to the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel or the Bichon Frise, including: Black and tan; ruby; Blenheim; tricolour or white


Exercise needs:4/5
Easy to train:4/5
Tolerates being alone:1/5
Likes other pets:5/5
Energy level:4/5
Grooming needs:4/5


Like most crossbreeds, the personality of a Cavachon depends on the parents and how they have been bred and reared, but both the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Bichon Frise are affectionate dogs who bond closely to their owners.

The Cavachon is a toy companion dog who will enjoy training, games and being part of everything their owner does – and will want to go everywhere with them.

History and Origins

The Cavachon originated in North America in 1996 in a bid to create a small, fun and trainable companion dog that had less health issues and would fit into any family’s lifestyle, no matter how small their home and garden.

Where the intentional breeding of the Cavachon is fairly recent, the two breeds that brought the breed into being have a much deeper history. The Cavalier King Charles spaniel for one is the latest of the English Toy Spaniels, originally bred in the 1920s in an attempt to recreate the famous dogs of King Charles. Up until the 19th century, the King Charles Spaniel had a pointed muzzle but in the Victorian era it became fashionable to breed dogs with shorter faces and before long the King Charles became a flat-faced breed. However, in 1926 an American called Roswell Eldridge visited England and was saddened that he couldn’t see the dogs so often depicted in art, so he set to reinstating the longer snouted variant. This started a movement leading to the formation of the Cavalier King Charles Club in 1928 and finally in 1945, they were recognised as two separate breeds.

Did You Know?

  • As the Cavachon is a mixed breed, it currently isn’t recognised by the UK Kennel Club.
  • If socialised at an early age, the Cavachon can get along well with cats due to their smaller size.
  • Cavachon’s are intelligent and curious, so they excel at learning tricks.

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Welpen Ratgeber
Alles, was du über Welpen wissen musst
Einen neuen Welpen einziehen zu lassen ist sehr aufregend für die ganze Familie - für den kleinen Welpen kann es allerdings auch ein wenig beängstigend sein. Erfahre mithilfe unseres Expertenrats mehr über das Verhalten deines Welpen, seine Gesundheit und vieles mehr.
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Wahl eines Haustieres
Vorteile einen Hund zu haben
Stelle dir einmal Folgendes vor: Es ist ein wunderschöner Frühlingstag, die Sonne scheint, es ist nicht zu heiß und nicht zu kalt und alles blüht. Du würdest eigentlich gerne eine Runde spazieren gehen, kannst dich aber nicht aufraffen, alleine loszuziehen. Die Lösung: Ein Hund!